Squadron Signal Publications
US Flush Deck Destroyers in Action
Warship #19

By Al Adcock
color by Don Greer, illustrated by David Gebbardt and Darren Glenn
Squadron Signal publications has added another book to their In Action series for the modeler. This one covers some of the early prewar destroyers of the Sampson, Caldwell, Wickes, and Clemson Classes. The various APD, AV, and DM conversions are also covered.
As with their other book, this one begins with and overview of their design and development. A history of the destroyer is told in word and pictures showing the early types that led up to these classes. There are chapters devoted to each  class with photo's and line drawings that illustrate the main differences in each successive class. 

The photo's give a general idea of what each class was like and how they were modified throughout the war. Most of pictures are pretty good, but some are enlarged beyond their intended resolution and appear pixelated. Some of the pictures I have seen in print before but many of them are new to me. It is nice to see so many of these Destroyer veterans in one book. 

My favorite feature is the centerfold with the color drawings of the destroyers in plan and elevation. Don Greer has done a nice job in showing the ships in their camouflage and prewar colors.

There are over 110  photos and about 40 illustrations in this 49 page 8-1/4" x 11" soft cover book. With a retail price of $9.95 it is a good value for the modeler who needs an overall reference for these "Flush Deck" destroyers. It might come in handy if you are building that Classic Warships USS Ward in 1/350 scale.

You can find the Squadron Signal "In Action" books in any well stocked hobby shop or direct from Squadron Mail Order.

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