Atlantic Convoy – Small Warships SIG, UK IPMS Nationals
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Roy Allen
Belgian freighter Persier, scratchbuilt ~ 2mm plastic card for decks and internal sections, 1mm card for hull and bridge area, bridge and boat decking was 0.3 card. Cargo holds made from evergreen T and I beam. Masts and derricks from 1mm s/steel rod and 0.45 brass rod, rigging was stretched sprue. Winches and gun tub mounts various sized rounds. Corsair Armada AA mounts, GMM extra fine railings and hatches, bollards kindly donated by Mike as mine from Battlefleet Models appear to have been swallowed up by that great black hole known as the Post Office. All decks were scribed to represent plating using a steel rule and wax sculpting tools. Painted with miniature paint acrylics then washed with burnt sienna oil paint, matted down then weathered with artist’s pastels.


02-persier -- -- Telford, 2007
