Fujimi 1/700 Photo Etch for
Three-Deck Kaga (114484)

Reviewed December 2018
by Christopher Martens
Fujimi has released an excellent photo etch set to compliment their new, three deck Kaga
Photo Etch
Fujimi has released additionally released a photo etch (PE) set intended for their three-deck Kaga. Like many of their offerings, the brass is provided on a single, well-detailed fret. Many braces, struts, railings, and surfaces are replaced, adding significant, delicate detail to an already well-designed model. 

Included on this wafer:

  • Replacements for many of the supporting members of the flight deck which add both detail and a sense of scale
  • Railing
  • Turret insulation panels
  • Biplane rigging
  • Antennas
  • Various support and cable structures.
Fujimi does an excellent job ensuring that railing fits along the deck edge with ease, and this PE set is no different. Detail is literally everywhere, with excellent relief etching characterizing almost all the brass. My only (small) complaint is that the railing and biplane rigging PE are both a bit thick for 1/700, but still look quite good when painted. I do like how this PE set is engineered to be friendly to both beginner and intermediate users of brass. 
Close ups of some of the fret details.
Click images to enlarge 
The instructions are in color and provide simultaneous visual instrutions on where to place the decking and accompanying etch. Fujimi also gives a detailed diagram of how to place the wind baffles in their deployed configuration.
Once again, Fujimi has made an excellent companion PE set for one of their ship releases. While the base detail of the kit is good, adding this inexpensive PE set will greatly increase the scale of the vessel and add substantially to realism. If I had to choose to replace anything (as an obsessive modeler,) I'd consider finer rails and rigging for the biplanes. Still, these details are quite nice. 

Fujimi 1/700 IJN Kaga Triple Deck Photo-Etched Parts with a list price of  $16.71 USD. You will find it on sale at Hobby Link Japan (HLJ) for less. 

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