Master Models 
1/350 Tapered Masts Set 2


Reviewed February 2018
by Martin J Quinn
Master Models has released a set of tapered mast in 1/350 scale, set SM-350-090, in their Sea Master Series. The set includes four (4) tapered masts.    Each of these masts are the same height, but thicker than masts found in Tapered Mast Set No 1.

Click to enlarge images
There are four tapered, turned brass masts in this set, which comes in a small zip-lock bag, along with a set of instructions.  All four masts are 100mm in length, but each is a different diameter, tapering to the following sizes at the base of each mast:
  • 2.2m
  • 2.5mm
  • 2.8mm
  • 3.0mm
Each of the masts is finely machined.  Both the tops and bottom of the mast are flat. 
Close ups of some of the fret details.
The instructions are on one side of a small (4 x 5 3/4) sheet of paper, and show the four different masts and the dimensions of each.   The rest of the sheet lists companion sets that can be used with the mast set.   There are no indication on what ships to use these on, or where they would do.   But, as they are a "universal" set of masts, that is up to the modelers discretion. 
These masts are quite nice - smooth and very well machined.   While the instructions don't indicate which ships to use them for, they'll add some realism and strength to the ships in your scale 1/350 scale fleet, especially if used in conjunction with some of the other masts and yardarm sets in the Sea Master series. 

This is Master Models set SM-350-090, 1/350 Tapered Masts, Set 2.  It retails for $8.95, and is available from many of our sponsors. Thanks to Master Models for the review sample.   Recommended.

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