Metal Barrels/Drums


L'Arsenal, 1/144 Scale, Resin

Reviewed by Devin Poore, March 2019

This is another simple yet effective detail set from L'Arsenal. There are four different sizes of cable reels, all with the same outer diameter, but with differing inner diameters and thicknesses. You get one of each on each casting block, with five blocks in the set, for a total of twenty cable reels. Every example in the set is cleanly cast and sharply detailed; no short-cast pieces or air bubbles to be found. 

The inner sections of the reels are smooth, so to replicate hoses or lines, you'll need to wrap them with an appropriate material (scale rope, wire, solder, etc.). The different diameters of each inner section allows for different amounts of line to be on the reels without having to use too much material for wrapping. The ends of each reel show appropriate detail, with center mounting holes, smaller holes about that center, and recessed lines to replicate wood construction. If one wants to replicate all metal construction, a thick coat of primer and a bit of sanding will easily remove the wood seam detail.

There are no instructions included, but this is a simple set not in need of instructions.

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The L'Arsenal 1/144th scale cable reels will add a nice bit of detail to a ship or pier model. Cleanly cast, easy to clean up and paint, there's enough variety between what comes in the set and the different ways they can be detailed and painted, to add nice variety to a project. Recommended.

Thank you to L'Arsenal for the review sample. 
