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USS Enterprise CV-6 Sternplate

For years, there were 'urban legends' about the stern plate of the USS Enterprise being in some Bergen County, New Jersey town serving as a backstop for a Little League ball field. While on my way to visit a friend in Old Tappan, I made a wrong turn and ended up in Rivervale. Realizing my error, I turned around in the Municipal Parking lot, and a bit of Haze Gray paint caught my eye. I pulled further into the parking to find the immortal words 'Enterprise' on a large chunk of steel. I guess it's not an urban legend anymore. I climbed out of the car with my camera and tripod, set it up, and then stood in front of this piece of history for about 5 minutes just staring it. This little old lady getting into her car asks me if there's something wrong with me. I told her I was I there to see the nameplate, and she tells me if I do anything to deface it she'll have me arrested. So, needless to say, this little old lady got my opinion with both barrels. I gave her a quick lesson of the historical importance of the USS Enterprise, and told her to go away. I think she may have been the mayor... The park it self is nicely done, with the stern plate on the right side of the circular path. In the center of the park, there's a large stone monument dedicated to those from Rivervale that have died in military service, dating back to the Revolution. Sadly, they've left a large open space on the monument for future conflicts. To the left, opposite of the sternplate, is another monument honoring Firefighters, Police Officers, and Rivervale residents that died on September 11th, 2001. There's also no mention of the historical importance of that piece of steel, nor the accomplishments of her crew.

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